

       I suppose I would love to brandish my ego and say that I'm one of the most influential men that the fitness world has to offer, but we all know that would be lie. That title certainly belongs to somebody else with more, authority on the subject, let's say, but deep down I know I at least have something to offer. Even if it's the same ole' mumbo jumbo we've all heard, just worded differently, I would hope a real life representation of the effects that a fitness surrounded lifestyle has on the human body, as well as mind, is at least heard.

       You see the truth is that my entire life I was known to be a very slender guy. I was extremely athletic, as I participated in most sports growing up, but I could never outdo the kid that could eat more than me. Was it me? Was it my extremely fast metabolism? Was it the fact that I couldn't eat 3 burgers as a pre pubescent child?

       I mean right out of what should have been the year that I graduated high school, I was 6'3" 160 pounds. A couple months later, crippled by the thought of not knowing what my next move would be I found myself working for a coffee shop named the Daily Rise out in Layton, UT. The connection was through my uncle that was roasting the beans for them since the summer prior. He was starting his personal training journey and advised me to start hitting the gym, and I figured since the thought had already crossed my mind, I might as well try my hand in the unknown. At bare minimum at least I was taking my health seriously.

       Not long after I had began my journey into the fitness world, I had met another guy by the name of Tristan Young. I met him through the gaming community, and he just so happened to be in town. He was fresh into the personal training scene as well and I figured I'd give him a chance to help me on my journey. Between him and my uncle, we came up with plans for diets that would create the outcome I was looking for. I worked harder for this than I had for anything in my life. In fact, going the gym was so potent to my idealogical outlook on the world and my ability to change the outcomes in my life how I please that I went back and graduated school that fall. While I continued to gain a pound a week, I worked out 6 out of 7 days like it was a religion. and within a year and half the results were beyond anything I had expected. I was 205 pounds, and stronger than I'd ever been in my entire life.

       Not all stories end the way we would like, you see, I had a friend I trained with the entirety of my time in the gym and he had suffered an injury in his shoulder that required surgery, a waiting period, and extensive physical therapy. A lot of my motivation came from my friend. That, coupled with the fact I was now picking up 60 hour work weeks, and my girlfriend just broke up with me, I proceeded to excel in gaming. The gym was now back on the back burner once again. Time passed and as fast as I had gained it, I lost it. Just as many people do, I let the turbulence of life's inevitable interchangeability incapsulate the person I had become.

       Now 2 years later, after what seemed to be a rollercoaster of emotional baggage. I had reconnected with my father, experienced 1 or 2 more breakups, lost my car, and found myself drinking more than I should for someone my age. I had been making mistake after mistake it seemed like, and I knew something had to happen because nobody was going to do it for me this time. I got back in the gym, I quit drinking, I got a new job, and opened my own marketing company in the process. Continuing to expand and allow myself room for positivity to flow through my mental status.

       I have entered 2023 having an even broader outlook on life than I did before, I found myself back in the gym hitting it harder than ever, but this time something was different. Over time I had grown an interpersonal relationship with myself and come to be more self-aware, I noticed I didn't have the same non-goal oriented reasoning as before. I wasn't just fueled by someone else’s dream, pulled by the mimetic desires, that I didn't yet understand. I started working on my own marketing business but this time I had a foundation. I had me. I may not connect with all that read my content, but if I can at reach one person out there, and influence their lives in a positive way, I'm doing right in the world, and that's all that matters.

Perfect finish

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Organic Materials

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Jump Rope

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